Bacon Breeze Bites

What could be more scrumptious than yummy bacon bites made with Prairie Breeze & creamy Quark, rolled in crisp bacon, crunchy pecans, and chewy dates – then drizzled with maple syrup.





1 cup of pecans

½ lb or 2 cups of shredded Prairie Breeze

8-10 strips of bacon

¾ cup Milton Creamery Quark

½ cup dates

3 tbsp maple syrup

2 tsp dry mustard




  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Mix Quark & Prairie Breeze until evenly mixed.

  3. Cook Bacon until fat is rendered but not crisp, then chop as finely as possible

  4. Blend dates, pecans and dry mustard in blender until fine, and add bacon.

  5. Roll Quark and Prairie Breeze mixture into 1” balls, then roll in bacon mixture until well coated.

  6. Drizzle with maple syrup

  7. Bake for 5 minutes

Cover and refrigerate until chilled. Enjoy!


Lowland’s Celery Salad